Society of Empowering Humanity is yet another vision from the board of trustees of GTET. it comprises of charitable organization to create a better tomorrow for the poor and needy people, animal shelters, saving the environment by planting trees, compaigning for reducing. air pollution,assisting to sick people etc. Also took an initiative to provide free education to the under privileged children through its non-profitable unit "KILKARI". This foundation is evolved helping in education poor and needy children who actually are unable to get a proper education due to lack of money or society rituals. For nurturing their talent and to provide quality education to such children of the society the foundation was established.

it has a team of dedicated valunteers who are committed towards working largely with offenders, mentally unstable people, drug and alcohol abusers and people who may have learning or even phyysical disblities and also accelerating with its never ending joining hands chain of process by a membership registration of Rs.365 /- pe annum. Lot of college students parents & businessman willingly joined us to uplift the social cause.