We believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Teaching should be about bringing out, not putting in. We aim to prepare children to be effective citizens of the future by:
- ->Enabling children to become confident, resourceful,enquiring and independent life-long learners
- ->Raising attainment through provision of high quality, challenging and engaging learning
- ->Personalising learning to ensure that each child can effectively develop their strengths
- ->Providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is both rewarding and enjoyable
- ->Developing skills, knowledge and understanding progressively, appropriate to individual needs
- ->Encouraging curiosity and risk taking
- ->Creating effective partnership between parents and the wider community to develop children’s learning.

In line with our assessment policy, children play an active role in the marking of their work which informs staff about individual development, group attainment and future planning. Termly teacher assessments are made to closely track progress and attainment.
Curriculum Meetings and Information Evenings are held regularly to inform parents and offer advice about how parents can support their child's learning at home.